See Where We Studied Abroad!
A rich history.
In 1904, Alpha Kappa Psi was founded for the purpose of educating its members and the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals in business and to further the individual welfare of members during college and beyond.
College men and women everywhere are discovering that Alpha Kappa Psi is much more than just an organization or club – it is a unique, prestigious association of students, professors, graduates and professionals with common interests and goals. They join Alpha Kappa Psi to take advantage of valuable educational, friendship and networking opportunities. In developing principled business leaders, our chapter adheres to four core values:
Brotherhood - Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship and aid to brothers is the expected norm.
Knowledge - Education and experience, whether gained in the classroom or the workplace, is emphasized and shared.
Integrity - All actions whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics and fairness.
Service - Sharing of time, talent, and treasure with society and our fraternity is a priority.
Unity - A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation, and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future.
Learn more about our history on the National Fraternity Website.

Member Testimonials
“Attending such a big school can be overwhelming, but AKPsi has enabled me to find my home away from home surrounded by some of my closest friends. Everyone in AKPsi brings their own perspective and experiences to any situation which has helped me grow both personally and professionally.”
“I rushed AKPsi because I wanted to develop my leadership skills and find a community of people that would push me to do my best. The skills I have learned here have been paramount in my college career.”
“AKPsi has given me a place to call home on campus, but it has also taught me a lot about what it means to be a professional. As a non-Carlson student in CFANS, I do not get exposed to the same professionalism, but AKPsi has helped me fill in those gaps.”
“The people I have met here are some of the most accomplished people I know. I can go to anybody in AKPsi for professional or career advice, but at the same time, they are also some of the most fun-loving people I have met at college! I am truly so grateful to have joined an organization that knows how to balance being driven while also having fun!”
